If you’ve ever considered getting an outsourced accountant from the Philippines, you may be wondering what tasks they may be able to help you with.

Can they do Australian taxes, what about US taxes? Below I’m going to share what bookkeeping tasks you can expect a Filipino accountant to be able to handle.

Bookkeepers and accountants often ask me - “Can I hire a Filipino accountant who can …” and then they list out all the things that they need them to do. The short answer is that they can do anything accounting or bookkeeping related that you need them to!

Bookkeepers in the Philippines are highly educated, driven, experienced professionals.I'm going to run through some typical tasks a Filipino accountant can do:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Bank reconciliation and monitoring daily transactions
  • making sure bank statements match the QuickBooks Online or Xero accounts
  • AP and AR
  • Leveraging tools like DEXT, Hubdoc, ApprovalMax and Bill.com
  • Payroll
  • End-of-month journals like accruals and prepayments
  • Preparing balance sheet reconciliations and work papers
  • Preparing monthly financial reports to send to clients
  • Reviewing the work of other bookkeepers
  • GAAP accounting
  • Tax in your country
  • Depreciation
  • Amortisation
  • Quality reviews
  • Client communication
  • Other things that don't hit the bank account

As you can see, Filipino accountants can handle an array of tasks for you. And generally speaking, it's pretty easy to find trained accountants in the Philippines with degrees in accounting.

Male and female Filipino accountants, one is wearing a pink shirt

Can I Hire A Filipino Accountant Who Understands Australian Taxes?

In the last 3-5 years, Filipino accountants have learned that they can build a career and earn more if they learn and get experience in Australian tax. Due to that, many of them have gone through training and gained knowledge at public accounting firms in Australia.

Luckily for us, you can now easily find a qualified Filipino accountant to help you, whereas a couple of years ago they were almost non existent!

Just bear in mind that because Filipino accountants have only recently started venturing into Australian tax, their experience levels may differ.

It won’t be too hard to find someone with one to two years of experience, but if you're looking for someone with three or more years, it may be a little trickier!

That’s why it's important to work with a recruiter who has experience in finding these types of people.  😊

Can I Hire A Filipino Accountant Who Understands US Taxes?

Absolutely, yes! You can hire a Filipino accountant who has a degree in accounting, plus experience in accounting and US tax. They can do tax prep, including federal, state, sales tax and payroll tax for businesses or individuals.

They’re usually familiar with common tools like Intuit, Xero and ATX.

Generally, it’s fairly easy to find Filipino accounts with 1-2 years’ experience, and it becomes trickier when you’re looking for 3 years or more.

Note that Filipino accountants generally aren’t experienced in processing with IRS. While it’s possible for them to get a US CPA certification, it’s extremely rare.

And what about non-tax accounting and bookkeeping?

We've been talking about tax accounting, but if you just need an accountant or a bookkeeper who understands accounting or your CAS division there’s a lot more of them out there.

The Philippines uses GAAP, so you’ll be able to find a lot of accountants and bookkeepers with experience in US firms, many more than those with experience in tax.

PS: Is this your first time hiring an outsourced bookkeeper? Here’s why your first hire in the Philippines should be a manager.

Sounds Good?

If that sounds good to you and you need some help in these areas, we can help you find and hire your next great Filipino accountant or bookkeeper.

At TeamUp, we help accountants and bookkeepers hire directly and recruit the absolute best talent for a flat fee. There are no ongoing fees because it's YOUR team.

If you need the help, we can connect you with an Employer of Record who can help you out with payroll and compliance.

If you want to learn more, sign up to our bi-weekly newsletter where I share my top hiring and management tips for working with staff in The Philippines.  

Or check out some some more resources on hiring in the Philippines on our website:

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Written By
Isaac Smith
Isaac has been building businesses since 2014. He sold an eCommerce business in 2019, co-founded Summit eCommerce Advisors - a bookkeeping and advisory firm, TeamUp - a recruiting business, and hosts the Next Level eCommerce podcast. He lives in the Portland, Oregon area, where he loves snowboarding with his daughter and trying to convince his wife to do outdoorsy things.
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