SMG Business Services

SMG Business Services is a proudly women-run accounting firm owned by Silvia Guardado in the Los Angeles area. Her clients, many of whom are Spanish-speaking immigrants who’ve started local businesses, are sometimes confused by US tax regulation and accounting practices. These business owners often have trouble finding an accountant who can advise them in their own language on how to stay compliant, as well as providing basic financial services and advice. Together with the other passionate and resilient women on her team, Silvia supplies much-needed financial services in both English and Spanish to dozens of small and medium-sized businesses. Silvia also runs Bookkeeping Bootcamps - affordable bookkeeping and financial services through a membership subscription.

Key Takeaways

Tax, advisory, bookkeeping, payroll and Profit First coaching
Rancho Cucamonga, California
roles we filled
Article Cover Image
time For each role
4 weeks

Silvia Gualdordo’s business targets the large and underserved market of Spanish-speaking business owners in need of financial help. The problem was, she had trouble serving her clients the way she wanted to.

The first challenge was the difficulty she had in finding qualified accountants to hire in her area.

“It's hard for me to network for employees in my area. I didn't have access to a pool of talent,” she says.

She had a part-time business advisor and full-time assistant, but needed “good professional bookkeepers” on her staff to help out and grow her business.

An overstretched team that couldn't hit deadlines

She was stressed about not delivering the quality of work she wanted to, on time, and felt like she wasn’t giving her clients the high standards they deserved. She and her employees were overstretched, and often unable to meet deadlines.

At the same time, she couldn’t afford to hire more local bookkeepers who had training and experience. Local employees required salaries that her growing business just couldn’t afford without pricing her services out of the market.

Silvia had all the passion and her business all the potential, but without affordable, talented staff - she wasn’t achieving what she knew she could.

Together with doing bookkeeping, tax, forecasting and offering other financial services to her clients, Silvia wanted her team to provide sound financial advice to business owners.

“I believe that good financial knowledge is very important to make business decisions, and therefore, I want a team dedicated to helping business owners with that.” Without enough staff, she struggled to deliver on that goal.

Turning to TeamUp

Silvia had heard about offshore accountants from the Philippines, but was hesitant to hire a Filipino bookkeeper herself. She wasn’t sure if she’d have supervision or control of offshore staff, especially due to the time difference.

Would they work autonomously without her oversight? Could she trust them to serve her clients the way she needed them to?

She decided to run a trial by bringing one Filipino accountant on board through TeamUp.

“After I got the first employee, I noticed all of these fantastic qualities,” She says. “I realized that this could be my answer. I went from one to two, and then to three Filipino employees. My third employee just got started part-time, and I think she's a keeper!”

Top-notch work that's delivered on time

Silvia says her Filipino staff deliver excellent work and always on deadline.

“I'm really impressed with the quality of knowledge and work ethic that they all have,” she says. “We are very prompt in delivering our services. We deliver when our clients need the information, and that's what I’ve always wanted to do.”

Silvia was finally able to scale SMG by using Filipino staff. With their help, she’s able to onboard new clients and take on more work.  “With this quality of employee I can service more business owners with a better quality of work,” she says.

Best of all, Silvia says she never worries about having to manage her outsourced staff to do their work - they work fully autonomously and take the initiative to solve problems on their own.

“We overlap for a few hours a day to catch up and answer questions, but the rest of the time my staff work independently.”

With her hands freed from day-to-day tasks, Silvia can focus on running her business at the CEO level. Instead of delayed work and constantly putting out fires, she can offer her clients a customized approach to helping their businesses succeed and maximizing their profits.

“TeamUp is cost effective and I highly recommend their services,” says Sylvia. “And the people that I’ve been blessed to have as members of my team are amazing, hardworking, dedicated, independent, and very reliable.”
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